Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Outline for Chapter 13 Section 2

Western Europe

I) A History of Cultural Division

France and Germany are the dominant countries of Western Europe (largest, have the best access to trade routes, resources, and ports) Other countries include Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Monaco

      A) Rome to Charlemagne
             1) Roman Empire had conquered the Celtic tribes in France by B.C.
             2) French is one of the Romance languages evolved from Latin
             3) In the late 700s Charlemagne, a Germanic King, conquered most of the region
             4) His empire fell under his death

      B) The Reformation
             1) A religious movement where people questioned the church's authority - Renaissance
             2) in 1517, Martin Luther published the 95 that criticized the way the church did things
             3) Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started protestant churches
             4) Hostility between the two churches lead to a series of holy wars
             5) France is primarily Catholic and Germany is primarily Protestant

II) The Rise of Nation-States

Between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance was a period called the Middle Ages. Europeans developed the nation-state, an independent nation containing a common culture.

       A) Nationalism
              1) After Rome fell, feudalism developed. Feudalism is a political system where powerful lords rule own most of the land
              2) Over time, strong kings took over and nationalism evolved. Nationalism is the belief that people should be loyal to their nation; those they share land, culture, and history with
              3) Nationalism lead to modern nation-states, the first being France
              4) French kings held absolute power, which they used for themselves, not their people - in 1789 the people started the French Revolution - soon after that Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself emperor and tried to conquer all of Europe before being defeated
              5) From the 1600s to 1945, many wars broke out between France and Austria or France and Germany
              6) Germany unified in 1871
              7) In the 1800s, industrialism caused European nations to set up colonies in other lands for raw materials and markets.

        B) Modern Conflicts
              1) Competition for colonies lead to WW1
              2) Harsh terms on Germany from the Allied Powers caused from losing WWI leads to WWII
              3) Holocaust takes place from Nazi Germany during WWII
              4) After the war, Germany splits into West Germany (non-Communist) and East Germany (Communist) - Due to this, the Berlin wall is constructed in Berlin.
              5) In 1989 East Germany opens the Berlin Wall in response to protests - Germany reunites in 1990
              6) France and Germany have tried to end their rivalries and were two leaders in the movement of establishing the European Union

III) Economic: Diversity and Luxury

Western Europe has been rich in Agriculture since the Middle Ages and was one of the first regions to industrialize in the 1800s.

          A) Agriculture to High-Tech
                1) Dairy farming and Livestock provide agricultural income in Belgium, France, Holland, and Switzerland - major crops are wheat, grapes, and vegetables - France is the biggest producer in W. Europe
                2) Western Europe was a leader in developing industry because it's rich in iron ore and coal - today it has 3 Europe's top manufacturing nations: France, Germany, and Holland
                3) Electrons are a major product of Holland - Germany too, as well as scientific instruments
                4) France has one of the fastest passenger trains and mostly relies on nuclear energy, as nuclear plants produce 80% of France's electricity
                5) Switzerland specializes in banking since people believe money's safer there because Switzerland refuses to fight any wars
           B) Tourism and Luxury
                1) Western Europe is popular with tourists due to its varied scenery, history, and mild climate                 2) Tourism is a major part of the French, Swiss, and Austrian economies
                3) W. Europe exports luxury goods - German cars and Swiss watches are considered status symbols - France is famous for its high-fashion clothing and gourmet food and Holland exports high-quality flower bulbs
VI) Great Music and Art

Each Western European country has a distinct identity shaped by language and religion - but the region as a whole has a strong artistic legacy

           A) Music
                1) Germany and Austria are famous for music - Johann Sebastian Bach and Beethoven were German, and Mozart was Austrian

           B) Painting
                1) France and Holland had many important painters - Jan Van Eyck was from Flanders
                2) Jan Vermeer and Rembrandt were oil painters who painted with great realism
                3) French artists Claude Monet, Paul Cezanne, and Paul Gauguin paved the way for modern art

VII) Modern Life

Most of Western Europe lives in Cities and can enjoy a standard of high living while being able to afford to buy material goods such as cars and computers.

           A) City Life
                 1) Western European Cities offer many things; movies, concerts, art galleries, and museums - they also have good transportation systems
                 2) Lower crime rate than U.S.
                 3) Europeans live in smaller homes than Americans do - because of this many people socialize in public areas, sitting at outdoor tables in nice weather
                 4) Europeans gain more paid vacation time than U.S. - Germans get 30 days of vacation time a year - usually vacation to bike, hike, or ski
           B) Recent Conflicts
                 1) Immigration has become a problem - in the 1980s many workers from Turkey came to Germany for jobs - Some Germans protested this, leading to them being called racist.
                 2) Austria's tensions come from Joerg Haider - he had made a comment which defended Nazis and insulted the immigrants - due to this he had to step down as political leader but is still a big part of Austrian public life

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