Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Location - Absolute location : 49°36'48" and 47°44'21" northern latitude and 16°50'56" and 22°33'53" eastern longitude. Relative : Central Europe, south of the Czech Republic and north of Hungary.

Region - Bratislava is in the Administrative region of Slovakia. It is the smallest region in Slovakia, but the richest. Many companies are established here, as well as the national bank of Slovakia.

Place - Influenced by many ethnic and religious groups, such as: Germans, Slovaks, Hungarians, and Jews.  The most popular religion is Roman Catholicism. People here enjoy going to theaters, cinemas, galleries, museums, and concert halls. Slovakia uses 30% of its land for cities and towns and its main language is Slovak. Has a population of 5,483,000.

Human-Environment Interaction - In Slovakia, 3% of people work agriculture, 32% work industry, and 65% work services. Fields cover about 29% of Slovakia and they grow: wheat, barley, maize, sugar beets and potatoes. The main industries in Slovakia are manufacturing, electrotechnical, chemical, petrol, steel, textile and food processing industries.

1 comment:

  1. Strange choice of cities to research. Make sure you have an interest in the things you chose to research.
