Friday, May 15, 2015

Final Study

  1. 5 Themes of Geography - Location, Region, Place, Human-Environment interaction, Movement
  2. 3 Types of Maps - Physical, Political, and thematic maps
  3. Why are the Kunlun Mountains important to China? - They're a source of two of China's great rivers
  4. What is the approximate size of the Gobi Desert? - 500,000 square miles
  5. What are some of the important islands to the country? - Hainan and Hong Kong
  6. Why are China's three river systems so important to the country? - They help feed millions of people because they irrigate the fields and crops.
  7. In which latitude and climate zones is most of China's productive agricultural land located? - Humid Continental 
  8. What landforms make up the dry zones? - Taklimakan Desert and Gobi Desert
  9. What two factors affect vegetation and temperature in the highland climate? - Forests and alpine
  10. What are some benefits of the Three Gorges Dam? - Flood control, huge amounts of electric power, easier for ship travels.
  11. What are some drawbacks of the dam? - 2 million people have been relocated, 15$ million more than was expected was spent, reduces animal habitats
  12. What are some of the ways in which the Japanese have adapted to living in a crowded space? - Smaller houses, many people live in apartments, and they get rid of their waste in landfills
  13. Why did Shi Huangdi build a wall in northern China? - To keep out Mongolian invaders
  14. How was China governed in its early history? - Dynasties
  15. What are some achievements China made in its early history? - gun powder, porcelain, and paper
  16. When did Europeans begin exploration of China? - The 13th century.
  17. How was Europe able to gain access to Chinese markets in the 19th century? - They took over China's weak militia and ineffective government.
  18. Which political group has held considerable power in China for the last 50 years? - Communism
  19. What did the Communists party want for China's economy? - To modernize it
  20. At what point did China's economy begin to grow more rapidly? - When China switched to a marketplace economy
  21. Where does most agriculture occur in China? - Eastern China - 10% of its land
  22. Where does China get the resources that fuel the industrial economy? - They import them
  23. What item is especially popular as an export to the United States? - Textiles
  24. Name two important Chinese inventions. - Gunpowder and medicine
  25. What are the predominant religions in China? - Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism
  26. What is China's population? - 1.34 billion
  27. What animal was especially important to the Mongols? - Horses and sheep
  28. What did Genghis Khan's name mean? - The name 'Khan' means supreme conqueror
  29. Who controlled Mongolia in the 18th and 19th century? - Qing Dynasty of China
  30. Which country has had the most influence and control in Taiwan? - China
  31. How is Mongolia's current economy different from its historical practices? - It switched from agricultural to industrial
  32. What is an economic tiger? -   a nation with rapid economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports. 
  33. Why might foreign companies want to work with Taiwanese companies? - Taiwan's workforce is highly trained and motivated
  34. What industry is most successful in Taiwan? - Technology
  35. What traditional influences can be seen in daily life in Mongolia? - Nomads and their yurts
  36. Do most Americans live in rural areas like people in Mongolia or urban areas like the people in Taiwan? - Urban areas like the Taiwanese.
  37. When did Little League become popular in Taiwan? - After WWII
  38. What bodies of water surround Korea? - The Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea, and Korea Bay
  39. What natural features influenced the settlement of Korea? -  The peninsula and its mountains
  40. What action have both Korean countries taken since World War II? - Army building
  41. What significant event occurred in 200? - Ending of the Qing Dynasty
  42. What type of economy did both North and South Korea have prior to the Korean War? - Agriculture
  43. How are North and South Korea's economies different today? - N. Korea has raw materials while S. Korea has Industries and works on technology
  44. Which Korean country has a larger population? - S. Korea
  45. Which country did Dennis Rodman visit? - North Korea
  46. From where did the original inhabitants of Japan mostly come?
  47. For whom did the Yamato clan claim descent? - The sun
  48. For whom did the samurai work? - The interests of landowners and clan chefs
  49. Where do most Japanese people live within Japan? - The main island of Honshu
  50. Which island of Japan is considered the main island? Honshu
  51. How is Japan able to manufacture many items for trade without natural resources? - They import resources such as oil.
  52. How has Japan's economy recently changed? - It has started to gain more competition, and a few banks went bankrupt.
  53. Which city is an excellent example of traditional Japanese culture? - Kyoto
  54. What do the Japanese believe is important in designing buildings? - Changing their building codes after observing how earthquakes affect certain buildings.
  55. How does the Japanese school system compare with American education? - They go 6 days a week and have a shorter summer
  56. What are private college preparatory schools called in Japan? Juku
  57. What two problems are the Japanese attempting to address in the future?
  58. What are some examples of traditional Japanese culture? - Kabuki plays, wooden Shinto shrines, and Buddhist temples
  59. How did the Western world influence Japan beginning in the 19th century? - It introduced baseball, golf, soccer, tennis; most clothes are western in appearance, and western music is popular

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