Sunday, April 12, 2015

Chapter 19 Main Ideas

1.  It's location on the Red Sea and Indian Ocean.
2.  It divided Africa, but without talking to leaders first. It places enemies together and ignored ethnic grouping

3. Muslim Invaders spread their religion through conquer
4. You can no longer have more than one wife, the penalty of spousal abuse has been increased, and prearranged marriages of preteen girls has been abolished.

5. They were similar because they grew rich off of the gold and salt trade but different in other methods of making money. Ghana used taxing and Mali used agriculture and trade.
6. Years of instability and civil wars left the economy of Sierra Leone in shambles.

7. They created a diversity of cultures and helped link various areas together.
8. A shortage of trained teachers, high dropout rate, and shortage of actual schools.

9. Natural resources make most of South Africa's money, but it is distributed very poorly.
10. By 1980, nations around the world started to pressure South Africa to end apartheid and in 1989 F.W. de Klerk became president wanting to change South Africa and got rid of it.

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