Wednesday, April 29, 2015

East Asia Review

1) How long is the Great Wall of China?
5000 miles
2) Why was it built? And where does it run from and to?
It was built to keep out Mongolian invaders and it runs from the Yellow Sea to the Gobi Desert
3) What are three natural barriers that have limited people's movement in East Asia?
Mountains, deserts, and arctic zones
4) How large is the Gobi Desert?
500,000 square miles
5) List two plains in Northern China.
Manchurian Plain and the North China Plain
6) Name three rivers in China.
Huang He, Chang Jiang, and Xi Jiang rivers
7) Where does the Huang begin and end?
It starts at the Kunlun Mountains and ends at the Yellow Sea
8) How long is the Chang Jiang?
3,900 miles
9) What is the southernmost of the three great river systems of China?
Xi Jiang
10) What are the natural resources of China?
Petroleum, coal, natural gas, iron ore, tungsten, manganese, molybdenum, magnesite, lead, zinc, and copper
11) Which countries in East Asia would need to import coal or oil?
Taiwan and both Koreas need to import coal. All but China need to import oil
12) What effect might natural resources have had on the development of East Asia?
They might have made it so China or Japan could develop faster than the others, and slowed other countries due to their lack of resources.
13) What is a typhoon and where does it occur?
A typhoon is a tropical storm in the western pacific
14) What two words best describe the climates in the higher latitudes of East Asia?
Subarctic and highland
15) Where are most deserts found in East Asia?
The center
16) Where are the tropical zones of East Asia found?
The southeast
17) What does typhoon mean in Chinese?  What other type of storm is a typhoon most like?
In Chinese it means great wind. It is most like a hurricane.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Chapter 19 Main Ideas

1.  It's location on the Red Sea and Indian Ocean.
2.  It divided Africa, but without talking to leaders first. It places enemies together and ignored ethnic grouping

3. Muslim Invaders spread their religion through conquer
4. You can no longer have more than one wife, the penalty of spousal abuse has been increased, and prearranged marriages of preteen girls has been abolished.

5. They were similar because they grew rich off of the gold and salt trade but different in other methods of making money. Ghana used taxing and Mali used agriculture and trade.
6. Years of instability and civil wars left the economy of Sierra Leone in shambles.

7. They created a diversity of cultures and helped link various areas together.
8. A shortage of trained teachers, high dropout rate, and shortage of actual schools.

9. Natural resources make most of South Africa's money, but it is distributed very poorly.
10. By 1980, nations around the world started to pressure South Africa to end apartheid and in 1989 F.W. de Klerk became president wanting to change South Africa and got rid of it.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

19.2 Review

1) What form of government did ancient Egypt have?

2) What practices did the ancient world acquire from Egypt?
Writing system, ideas of farming, and medicine

3) How did Muslims gain control of North Africa?
In A.D. 632 followers of Muhammad spread Islam through conquest and trade

4) What countries make up North Africa?
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan, and Tunisia.

5) How has North Africa's economic base evolved?
North Africa's economy was originally based on agriculture but evolved into cash crops and mining. Today, it revolves around oil.

6) Why has the oil industry failed to benefit local workers?
The jobs have to be given to foreign workers because the local workers have a lack of education and training.

7) How are prices set for products sold at souks?
prices start off high and you have to haggle to not get ripped off

8) How has rai music changed since its beginnings?
It started off carefree but has turned into a form of rebellion against Islamic fundamentalists

9) What was the traditional role for North African women?
Preteen girls had arranged weddings, ate and prayed separately than their husbands, and usually didn't hold jobs after being married.

10) What gains have Tunisian women made outside the home?
Women now hold 20% of Tunisia's parliament seats and manage a growing number of businesses.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Review Questions

1) What were some early civilizations in East Africa?  Why were these civilizations important?
Some early civilizations were Aksum and Kilwa. These civilizations were important because they were major trading posts and made East Africa a cultural crossroads.

2) What happened at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
It divided Africa, with no concern of where the ethnic groups were, and put many enemies together and divided many allies.

3) What African countries managed to remain free of European control?
Ethiopia and Libera

4) How did colonialism cause conflicts in East Africa after independence?
Left over tensions and ethnic animosity

5) How did Ethiopia manage to defeat Italy in 1896?
They were able to win with guns from France and Russia and since they knew the geographic layout better

6) What are some cash crops of East Africa?
Coffee, tea, and sugar

7) What is East Africa's most critical health-care problem.

8) Research the Rwanda massacre (genocide?) and briefly discuss what happened and why.
in 1994, 85% of Rwanda's population was Hutu and 14% was Tutsi. The political elite Hutu extremists blamed all of Rwanda's political, economical, and social problems on the Tutsi. On April 6th, a plane carrying the Rwandan president was shot down and the Hutus immediately started to plan on how to destroy the Tutsi population. It started with the killings of important Tutsi politicians and then anyone who was suspected of being Tutsi. By the end, 800,000 were killed.