Monday, February 2, 2015

Review Questions

1) Where did the industrial Revolution begin and to where did it spread?
It began in the UK and spread to Belgium, France, Germany, then to the U.S.
2) What are some characteristics of governments in Northern Europe?
It's a parliament and it developed representative government
3) How did conquest influence the languages spoken in Northern Europe?
Many English words have French origins due to William the Conquerer of Normandy conquering Britain in 1066.
4) How did the industrial Revolution spur the growth of the British Empire?
It motivated Britain's empire building.
5) How did the Reformation affect Northern Europe?
It led to many religious wars between Christians and Protestants that tore Europe apart
6) Who are some important writers from Northern Europe?
Henrik Ibsen, Ingmar Bergman, and William Shakespeare
7) What Northern European country did not join the EU?  Why?
Norway didn't join the EU because it didn't to lose any of its independence or economy
8) What was the Magna Carta?  Why is it important? 
It granted English nobles more rights in 1215 - it's important because it led to more people demanding their rights as well.
9) What are the countries of Northern Europe? 
UK, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden

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