Monday, December 1, 2014

The Democratic Struggle of Latin America

     Democracy depends on free and fair elections, citizen participation, majority rule with minority rights, and guaranteed freedoms. In Latin America, fraud and corruption is used to win elections. It is just now gaining support from Latin Americans.
     There are things need in Latin America to create democracies : political, economic, and land reforms. A goal of political reform is to establish a constitutional government. Land reform is a program used by some governments to fairly break up large landholdings and giving portions to land-poor peasants. It is used to rich landowners couldn't keep other Mexicans in a cycle of poverty. Inflation is a problem in the way of economic reforms and is a problem for developing democracies. It was fought by replacing the peso (which would eventually come back), reducing government spending, and freezing prices.
     In Latin America the three largest countries in terms of supporters of Democracy are Brazil, Central America, an Uruguay. 50% of Brazil, 49% of Central America, and 86% of Uruguay support it. All these reforms are aimed at creating stability. Democracy is starting to have a good chance of being in Latin America